Faux angst about bin-Laden remarks ignore the truth

The ‘panties-in-a-bunch’ crowd wailing over Pres Trump’s comments about how long it took to nail Osama bin Laden ignore the real problem with the entire final scenario…

…Obama should never have revealed the mission, or it’s results.

Anyone with a room-temp IQ knew the al-Qaeda leader was being hidden in Pakistan.

We’re betting our intelligence agencies knew, and were exploiting that knowledge to wrap up those in contact with him, while foiling al-Qaeda’s global terror attempts.

Taking bin-Laden down wasn’t a problem…letting the world know of his death was.

Narcissist-in-chief Obama couldn’t wait to get out the news, but doing so enabled a world-wide terror scramble to fill the bin-Laden void…and ruined exploitable ops.

Think about it…is it more preferable to have one bin-Laden to deal with, or a global glut of mini-bin-Ladens all vying to create extreme terror acts in a bid to replace him?

In the interest of America’s national security, his death should’ve remained secret.

Yes, bin Laden should’ve been taken out sooner. Yes, we knew Pakistan was probably protecting him. Yes, we gave billions to Pakistan while they hid him. That’s all fact.

And it’s also fact Obama’s quest for glory jeopardized America’s national security.

That’s the sad truth FakeNews will never report.

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