Double down on Russia-collusion probe, order it EXPANDED…to include proven Democrat malfeasance

For 2 years, Democrats have used a ‘stop Trump from firing Mueller’ meme to fire up the Left, rake in cash from suckers, and falsely claim obstruction where there’s none.

It’s time to shut down the Left’s faux angst over Mueller’s employment concerns, and time to expose the collusion hoax for what it is…an attempt to delegitimize Pres. Trump.

Effective immediately, President Trump should call for an extended Russia-collusion probe, directing acting Attorney General Whitaker to add Democrat malfeasance to the investigation, reviewing data that Mueller has gathered to date on that side issue.

If Mueller’s probe has ignored the Democrat chicanery, that’s a HUGE indication there’s a partisan agenda in play…and the failure should be denounced in no uncertain terms.

Rosenstein’s instructions to Mueller were to “…conduct the investigation…including…(ii)  any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation; and (iii) any other matters within the scope of 28 C.F.R. § 600.4(a).” (emphasis added)

Certainly, the discovery that a Democrat hoax-dossier was used for FISA warrants, and the revelation that Clinton’s campaign and DNC paid cut-out lawyers to fund the dossier which was created by a Brit (Steele) using unsubstantiated foreign sources qualifies.

There’s no evidence Pres. Trump colluded…but PROVEN evidence Democrats did.

End the charade…bring the REAL malefactors on stage.

Then we’ll see how long Democrats and their media masters want this probe prolonged.

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