If anyone’s betrayed the black community…it’s their leadership, and the mainstream media

Being portrayed as a traitor to his race is the latest hit on Kanye West.

But the real traitors are those who ignore black-on-black violence, high school dropout rates, and rising out-of-wedlock birth rates in support of the Democrat Party agenda.

Finally, a gutsy President stiffens GOP spines in Congress, starts eliminating job-killing regulations, gets tax-cuts passed that jumpstart the economy and create jobs that yield historic low unemployment for minorities…and the black community comes unglued?

Those who failed their race for years, consider Trump/GOP achievements unworthy of notice or mention, and try to take down Kanye West for speaking truth to their failures.

So, more black jobs, higher black take-home pay, and greater black opportunities be damned…toe their Party line, or be branded traitor. But Kanye West is his own man.

Cue the Left-wing meltdown.

Logic and common-sense is in short supply within rabid Democrat circles.

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