A large ‘what about me’ Latino turnout in California could be bad news for Democrats

Will ‘values’ make a difference this November?

American Greatness article

“According to the most recent Los Angeles Times poll, only 7 percent of Latinos back a gubernatorial candidate because that person is part of “my party” (and in California, that often means the Democrats)…A whopping 42 percent of Latinos said “values” drove their vote. In other words, Latinos vote on issues, not on blind party allegiance, and every single Latino poll respondent named “fiscal issues” and “jobs and the economy” as somewhat or extremely important as a voting issue.”

Which could be bad news for Democrats since…

“Democrats have given Californians the highest rate of poverty in the country…Although Democrats have made identity politics a cornerstone of their ploy to keep minorities in the party, they have failed these communities—and Latinos in particular—most of all. Latinos comprise California’s greatest number of poor. In 2014, the California Senate Office of Research reported, “Latinos tended to earn less than Californians as a whole and were underrepresented among higher income brackets, overrepresented at lower income brackets, and more likely to live in poverty.” Today, more than 1.3 million Latino children live in such poverty.”

Yet, the Democrats’ 40% gas-tax increase hits the low-income and poor the hardest?

“…Latinos consistently say when surveyed that education is the key to their children’s success (but) “there is not a single county in California where the majority of Latino students are proficient in math or English language arts.” Instead, under Democratic Party leadership, California has lowered the standards of learning for Latino students…To make matters worse, Democrats want to regulate charter schools—which are wildly popular and successful among Latinos—out of existence.”

This November, the Latino vote has a chance to send Democrats a message…

No Mas…

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