…on the other hand…paying lawyers to do illegal things is wrong…

Breitbart headline“Former Clinton Pollster: Hillary Clinton Broke Campaign Finance Laws, Not Donald Trump”

As Mark Penn, that ‘Former Clinton Pollster’ says today

“Money paid to people who come out of the woodwork and shakedown people under threat of revealing bad sexual stories are not legitimate campaign expenditures. They are personal expenditures.” (underline, bold emphasis added)

He goes on to point out that actual criminal violations of law were committed by Hillary’s campaign and the Democrat National Committee who paid lawyers to front FusionGPS in the effort to build a dirt-dossier that WOULD negatively affect Trump’s campaign.

Here’s the money quote: “Contrast what is going on here with the treatment of the millions of dollars paid to a Democratic law firm which, in turn, paid out money to political research firm Fusion GPS and British ex-spy Christopher Steele without listing them on any campaign expenditure form — despite crystal-clear laws and regulations that the ultimate beneficiaries of the funds must be listed. This rule was even tightened recently. There is no question that hiring spies to do opposition research in Russia is a campaign expenditure, and yet, no prosecutorial raids have been sprung on the law firm, Fusion GPS or Steele. Reason: It does not “get” Trump.” (emphasis added)

What’s new here?

Turning a blind eye to Democrats…turning the screws on Republicans.

Folks, this whole thing stinks. Here you have an ‘investigation’ that was brought about by the unsubstantiated dirt-dossier to hurt a campaign, and the only principles being hounded are the targets of that dossier…and NOT the funders or creators of the lie.

It’s ludicrous…to see a lawyer pleading guilty to non-crimes

…it’s heartbreaking…to see partisan prosecutors refusing to go after REAL crimes.

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