Fake ‘alt-right’ white supremacist posers are really Lefties in drag – we said it months ago

BlueCollar has said for over a year that the ‘alt-right’ was actually Left wing, posing as right-wing supremacists to foment violence and chaos…and blame it on Republicans.

In an interview with Dinesh D’Souza, hoaxster Richard Spencer is exposed, as is the Obama/Occupy/Antifa supporter Jason Kessler (outed by the Left, no less).

Rush Limbaugh discussed this with D’Souza on his Friday show, and Dinesh lays it out for all to hear – the white supremacist ‘alt-right’ hoax is meant to smear the right…

…and the Nazis used the Democrat racist platform of the ’30’s for their anti-Jew policy.

Hate Rush Limbaugh if you like…sneer at Republicans if it makes you feel better…but to ignore what the Leftist Southern Poverty Law Center admits means you ignore truth.

Here’s a damning segment during the Rush interview with D’Souza…

“…the Nazis who are drafting the infamous Nuremberg Laws — the laws that make Jews into second-class citizens. Some people call it a dress rehearsal for the Holocaust. The Nazis have in their hands the Jim Crow laws of the Democratic South. Now the point here is that every segregation law in the South was passed by a Democratic legislature, signed by a Democratic governor, enforced by Democratic officials(bold emphasis added)

So the Nazis knew that, and they were using the Democratic laws. They crossed out the word “black;” they wrote in the word “Jew”. So what I’m getting at is it isn’t just that the two laws were parallel. The Nazis were using the blueprint of the American Democratic Party for their vicious schemes. Now, amazingly, Rush, this is not taught in the textbooks. You won’t find it on the History Channel. (bold emphasis added)

The left has been suppressing this kind of information ever since World War II because they know that if people realized the deep connections between the Democrat Party and the progressive movement on this side of the Atlantic and the fascists in Italy and the national socialists in Germany, that it would be… It would leave the progressives and Democrats discredited. That’s why “The Big Lie” came in effect.”

We’ve been saying since the Charlottesville riot the Left should be investigated for their financing of these FAKE ‘alt-right’ posers…no doubt Soros and his ilk are behind it.

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