Can’t they see they’re being duped and used…how stupid can a Liberal get?

We understand that Liberal Elites are not happy losing power – after all, access to the government coffers…with its endless supply of taxpayer cash…is a powerful draw.

But they need ‘boots on the ground’ to keep the masses fired up and reactionary, which brings us to Obama’s Legion of activists…the Organizing-For-Action foot soldiers.

Makes you wonder how stupid or gullible these folks are, considering their activism and visceral hatred to date is directed at a booming economy, jobs, and security at borders?

What manner of idiot, at that point, can’t recognize they’re being used irrationally?

Trump Derangement Syndrome is unhinged. He’s uncouth…but Crazy-aunt Maxine and Samantha Bee/Bill Maher/Robert DeNiro/Kathy Griffin/(add latest crazy here) aren’t? 

North Koreans aren’t playing with nukes, Iranians aren’t harassing American warships, and Russians aren’t invading Baltic States (any more than we know of, anyway).

As Victor Davis Hanson notes “If the tax cuts, immigration policy, or NATO and Russian summits are equal to killing 3,000 Americans, what is left to the imagination? If talking sloppily about Putin is tantamount to the Holocaust, then what exactly was the Holocaust, a bad press conference? And if we are to believe that anything Trump has done is equivalent to starting a war that killed 65 million people and engineered the Final Solution, then among our 325 million fellow Americans perhaps a few dozen will watch CNN or MSNBC talking heads lecturing on the Führer, and conclude the only patriotic thing to do is to eliminate this new incarnation of Hitler.” (emphasis added)

Read Mr. Hanson’s article – it’s a devastating condemnation of the unreasoning Left.

Honestly, how do reasonable people say that more jobs, higher pay, stronger border security, calming foreign policy, and loyalty to our U.S. Constitution…is riot-worthy?

Unless stability ANGERS and THREATENS the Left? 

Which seems to be the source of the problem, so buckle up…

…’cuz if America’s SUCCESS causes unrest, there’s a lot more to come.


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