Media’s Helsinki Two-Step: now Trump’s condemned…for REFUSING to lie?

This is what FakeNews is all about, people.

First they falsely condemn Trump for lying – when he doesn’t…

…then they condemn him for REFUSING to lie.

For all the storm-and-fury over the President standing next to another world leader and refusing to go along with media’s ‘collusion’ story, you’d think he spit on CNN’s logo.

Even conservative news outlets bought into the false premise, saying President Trump shouldn’t have sold our intelligence agencies down the river, standing next to Putin…

but he didn’t.

What the President did was insist on telling the truth, and in a bizarre twist of irony, now the FakeNews media cycle is caught up in condemning him for that truth-telling.

Supporters of the President know what’s going on: he’s denouncing political appointees at the top of these organizations, not the rank-and-file people protecting our Nation.

And he refuses to give any credence to the false Trump-Russia collusion meme.

To do otherwise, would be to go political – that’s not what this President does.

Falsely accusing him of demeaning our intelligence agencies conflates the issue.

We contend that the President standing up for honesty next to another world leader is a lot more important than scoring cheap political shots and one-upmanship, and dare we note…especially when Mueller’s latest indictment states Americans aren’t included.

Sure, Russia meddles with our politics…all Nations meddle outside their borders, including the USA. But who in their right mind thinks it’s a good idea for a world leader to shove that down another leader’s throat, in the face of that very well-known fact?

Even more ironic, by associating cheap tricks of top political appointees as being the work of the intelligence community as a whole, the media disrespects those agencies.

A sad factor in all this angst is that conservatives are being sucked into the narrative.

Show some backbone, people.

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