The dishonest and intellectually bankrupt must rely on incendiary hype

Left-wing crazies never let clarity or honesty interfere with bombastic rhetoric.

Latest immigration trope: Trump…and, by definition, his supporters…are Nazis.

Lest we forget, as President he swore to uphold the Constitution, and enforce existing law – said laws, by the way, that were in effect way before Trump ran for public office.

(Laws, for instance, stating illegal alien kids can only safely remain with verified family.)

So, separating illegal alien kids at the border, to protect them from illegal alien adults who may or may not be family…but are using them for illegal entry, etc…is Naziism?

The children are housed, cared for, fed, and protected by Health & Human Services.

When did the Nazis ever worry about feeding and protecting Jewish children?

Beyond that: if immigration laws being enforced are Nazi-centric, as the Left would now have us believe, and those laws PRE-DATE the current President’s election…

…then wouldn’t it be the Democrat Congress that wrote the law…who are Nazis?

And, by the way, Nazis used just such dishonest rhetoric to promote their cause…

…which, by extension (this is fun!)…means the Left – who do it now – are Nazis.

Who knew honesty and clarity could be so – INVIGORATING…?!?

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