Misreading…or misleading? Depends on the target, evidently

When judging reporting of journalists and comments of politicians, it’s easy for the line between misreading and misleading to get blurred…except, if it involves this President.

When he’s the target, trust your instincts…it’s ALL misleading – deliberately so.

Anti-Trump forces will try anything to shred the confidence of his supporters, and one of the ways it’s done is by questioning or belittling his judgment, on issues trivial and huge.

To avoid accusations of bias, their observations are couched in ‘muddled’ or ‘wrong-headed’ phrases that make them appear benign, while prompting negative judgments.

Take the current border enforcement and family separation issues, for example.

Anti-Trump/NeverTrump forces would have you believe President Trump blundered into the policy without forethought, floundered helplessly during the ‘outcry’, and was forced into the writing of an executive order which made it appear he was backing down.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

His choice to enforce immigration law 100%, which required separating children from adults during the process, told everyday Americans 1) they had a President willing to abide by laws; 2) those laws were in place before he was elected; 3) the huge outcry from opposition Party forces revealed their contempt for protecting our borders.

After establishing those precepts, the President signed an executive order that showed 1) to ‘the extent allowed by law’ he was willing to keep families together; 2) he’s willing to work within the system to get established law modified; 3) the opposition Party isn’t happy with anything less than a ‘catch-&-release’ policy, jeopardizing national security.

FakeNews and Trump-haters don’t misread a ‘bumbling’ effort…they mislead by acting that way, all the while planting seeds of doubt, but, in the process, revealing their bias.

Democrats and the far-Left FakeNews media have been exposed as contemptuous of ‘rule-of-law’, incompetent in legislating immigration law, and strident for open borders.


…polling shows the majority favors strong borders, and frowns on catch-&-release.

And the President just keeps on tweeting.

Who knew watching Democrat bumbling could be so…well…entertaining?

President Donald Trump OWNS these guys…and that’s what scares them.

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