Exploding the Left’s myth that the GOP is the ‘new Party of Racism’…

Ben Shapiro lays it out in a DailyWire blog…NOTE TO KANYE: No, The Republicans Didn’t Turn Into The Party Of Racism In The 1960s. Here’s The Proof.

The ‘GOP-are-the-new-racists’ myth is the only meme a Democrat Party (that spawned the KKK, Jim Crow laws, and segregation) has in their defense, but history doesn’t lie.

Democrats fought the Civil Rights Act with all their might, led by filibusters in Congress.

Republicans forced the inevitable – fully 80% of House Republicans and 82% of the Republicans in the Senate voted for the Act, while only 61% of House Democrats and 68% of Senate Democrats grudgingly supported the legislation …

…Democrat President Johnson merely bowed to that inevitability, signing the law.

We repeat: the KKK, Jim Crow laws, segregation were all Democrat constructs, and a greater percentage of Republicans voted for the Civil Rights Act.

Democrats lie…because history is against them and that’s all they have.

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