Too big to indict?

Given the evidence, is ‘rule-of-law’ then, only going to apply to the masses? In a great article today, Victor Davis Hanson lays out the dichotomy of Left-vs-Right playing now.

The article’s sub-headline says it all: “The more Mueller searches for hypothetical lawbreaking, the more he ignores the actual lawbreakers.” (hint – not Republicans)

By ‘actual’ Mr. Hanson refers to, and specifically delineates, the laws Mueller tries to apply – and fails – against Trump and his supporters, but doesn’t apply it to others who have broken and/or violated those laws – namely, Comey/Clinton/McCabe et al.

Oddly, he fails to add Obama to the list.

(And before we’re chastised as ‘gunning’ for The One, we remind readers…if Trump’s mild support of Michael Flynn can be defined as ‘obstruction’ of the FBI probe…

…then certainly Obama’s public assertion of Hillary ‘Private Server’ Clinton’s innocence qualifies…as does the now-public admission that high-level efforts to thwart the Hillary email-gate probe were ongoing, and intense…and, then there’s the fact that – while asserting her innocenceObama was emailing her private server too!)

Failure to hold even the highest officials in the land to account, when actual evidence exists, will destroy any illusion Americans have that the rule of law is equally applied.

If ‘Too Big To Indict’ is allowed to reign…anarchy is sure to follow.

There’s only one thing that makes America different from every other nation in the world and that’s our U.S. Constitution…and a citizenry willing to enshrine and honor its tenets.

Without that distinction, we’ll be no better than any other 3rd-world thugocracy.

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