How do we Loathe thee…Americans should ‘phone in’ the ways…

Obama recently admitted O’care’s employer-mandate will hurt job growth.

So, he has unilaterally (and unlawfully) stated that mandate will not be enforced.

Setting aside the obvious question (if it’s a job-killer now, won’t it be later as well?), we see yet another ‘fly’ in Obama’s healthcare law ‘soup’ – the individual mandate.

You see, if employers won’t have to honor their mandate, they don’t have to provide the necessary information about employees, or the health coverage being provided…

…but that information is needed for O’care to subsidize costs for lower-income workers.

If employers don’t have to provide the info, lower-income workers take the full hit.

No information = no subsidies.

Which means Barack ‘for the little guy’ Obama is really…as an earlier blog noted…

…Barack ‘for the Big Guy’ Obama!

So, to recap this ‘landmark legislation’ nightmare…

Big Unions, city & state governments, and Big Business all supported the law (until it was passed), then, promptly sought – and RECEIVED – waivers from its provisions…

Congressional Democrat bosses and their aides plan to retire or move to the private sector, to avoid being forced to follow provisions of the law THEY created & passed!

Democrats had to drop the CLASS act within the law, as undoable…driving up costs…

…then had to delay the small business SHOP act in the law…driving up costs…

…and, now, refuse to enforce the Employer Mandate…(yep) driving up costs.

Democrats promised Obamacare would create jobs, but now admit its a job-killer.

Democrats promised ‘you can keep your plan’…record numbers are losing their plan.

Democrats promised Obamacare ‘would drive costs down’… costs have exploded.

What of Obama flunky HHS Sebelius’s promise of a plan for federal-run exchanges?

MIA…(Translation: Missing-In-Action, for those in the ‘low-information’ crowd.)

And the Federal subsidies that were to offset higher costs to low-income workers?

Oops…no longer available…now that Obama refuses to enforce the employer mandate.

The only part of the plan left standing? The ‘individual mandate’.

That’s right – America’s workers. YOU are The Last Man Standing…

…in the Obamacare-mandated IRS ‘waiting to collect’ line.

(And they’re now hiring 16,000 IRS auditor/cashiers to take your money.)

How long are you willing to stand there? Let your Senator & Congressman know.

Or, have a good time standing in that line…

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