‘Experts’ need to spend less energy on ‘what was’, and more energy on (finally) lawfully dealing with ‘what is’

Enough with speculation on motivations behind what has been identified and proven to be illegal activities of the Party that was in power…spying on the Party coming to power.

Motives are either altruistic or selfish – in cases of unlawful activities, courts are there to decide which is which, when it’s evident that laws were broken…and who broke them.

Crimes aren’t based on what we think, they’re based on what can be proven.

So, let’s end the ‘what-if-&-why’ games, and move on with the legal process.

Attorney General Sessions – DO.YOUR.JOB.



Douglas MacKinnon lays it out for us in an IBD op-ed today…“This Is What A Police State And ‘High Crimes And Misdemeanors’ Really Look Like”

Summary pull quote: “When you collude with foreign espionage agents to manufacture evidence to obtain a warrant to spy on citizens of the United States for purely political and ideological reasons, you are not only breaking the laws of the United States, but are introducing those very questions of treason, bribery and high crimes and misdemeanors into the conversation.” (bold emphasis added)

What the hell are they waiting for?

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