The corporate tax-cuts mean a great deal to America’s small businesses

There are, and will be once again, great examples of how a larger corporation provides job opportunities over a wide variety of small businesses throughout America.

Democrats relentlessly attack Republicans for favoring corporate legislation that makes the gears in our great American machine hum, but business drives a Nation toward the goals that create opportunities, and improve the lives of millions directly and indirectly.

The corporate elites at Davos gave the President a rock-star welcome, for good reason.

First and foremost, American growth creates global growth.

Then, if government gets out of the way and lets businesses compete with favorable terms FOR ALL, it unleashes the greatest, best trained, most technologically capable and innovative dynamics in our work-force…unparalleled in the world today.

Stated bluntly, Democrat politicians LIE when saying low corporate tax rates are a bad idea. They lie because their policies favor targeted huge corporations, that, in turn, shower politicians with big cash donations to keep their unfair, most-favored status.

Here’s a first-hand look at how symbiotic relationships with corporations work:

Fifteen years ago, as part of an economic burst of corporate growth, we witnessed the wide-spread benefit it spawned with job opportunities throughout the private sector. A huge U.S. corporation partnered with a European powerhouse that built gas-powered turbines for energy production, competing with coal-powered facilities for market share.

A small local So-Cal corporation specializing in high-tech machining captured a large contract to machine the cooling jackets those gas-powered generators needed. At the time, the small business was struggling to keep its doors open, and this was a big deal.

The contract meant around the clock shifts; the business actually had to go out and hire more people. Specialty metal sheets would need to be machined; that metal had to be made, cut to size, packaged, warehoused, and ultimately transported for machining.

After machining, the fabricated parts needed to be plated. A metals finishing company provided that service locally. Workers were needed to pre-clean parts, prep and plate  them, inspected after, and packaged to protect that finish during return transport.

The contracting corporation bonded components together, final machining was done, a local area business provided non-destructive leak testing, requiring materials handling personnel, more inspection services, administrative documentation, and transport.

Hundreds of permanent jobs were locally created, just for this one annual contract.

So, the next time you hear someone sneer at lowering U.S. corporate rates, suggest to them that they need to hear what global leaders in Davos are planning

“In a stunning moment, one by one, European titans of industry from companies like Adidas, Siemens and Bayer went around the table to thank Trump for the passage of tax cuts and the easing of corporate tax burdens. Almost every CEO had a new US-based investment or strategic business to announce.” (emphasis added)

And guess what?

“The president of Seimens, Joe Kaeser, said, “since you have been so successful in tax reform we…decided to develop…next generation gas turbines in the United States.””

We know a southern California specialty machining company that will be glad to hear it.

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