An uproar over ‘1.8mn pathway to citizenship’ offer by Trump is premature

Washington Times headline today…“Trump offers to triple Obama’s amnesty number in exchange for tougher security laws” and the talking heads assume the number has just jumped from 600k+ to over 1.8 million illegals gaining citizenship.

And, right on cue, the never-Trump’ers on the Right begin with their ‘See, I told you so’ narrative, in an effort to – once again – prove they’ve been right about their opposition.

But any true Trump-supporting Republican filters such news as the above headline with a trust that he will only accept a criteria for legalizing those who benefit America.

‘Make America Great Again’ colors every decision he’s made. His proposal to allow a greater number access to legal status means they must actually pass his criteria.

Agreeing to a legal status pathway, on his terms, is no threat to his original vows.

Message to never-Trump’ers…take some deep, cleansing breaths.

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