50,000 texts? That takes Rush’s ‘living rent-free in heads’ to new extreme

As every Republican goes up in smoke over latest revelations that an FBI agent and an FBI lawyer having an extra-marital affair texted each other about all that’s anti-Trump…

…we have to ask – who has enough time in their day to send 50,000 texts?

Think about this for a moment – Trump won the GOP nomination mid-2016, so if we’re talking about texts over 7 months (5 months worth are reported ‘lost), then that means the two FBI malcontents texted each other a total of 238 times EVERY DAY.

If each text took on average 30 seconds to construct, type, and send, and 15 seconds for the recipient to then access and read…that means three hours per day.

Every day.

Talk about living rent-free in someone’s head.

(But, Rush Limbaugh needn’t worry; he’s still the Champ. After all, Donald Trump’s only lived in their heads for a year…Rush has been living in heads rent-free for 30+ years.)

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