Pop Quiz – who’s the most recent dictator to GIVE AWAY his power?

For all the anguished and vile accusations that Donald Trump is an authoritarian who will take away citizens’ rights, those spewing that bile will have a hard time proving it.

The ‘Pop Quiz’ is a trick question, because if he WERE a dictator, the answer’s Trump.

Pres Trump has never been a dictator, or performed dictatorial acts…unless one sees the act of forcing other branches of government to do their job as dictatorial.

Next time a Liberal screams ‘dictator’ refer him to this Josh Blackman NRO article.

The article describes how the President’s lawyers are working very hard to force the legislative and judicial responsibilities back on Congress and the courts. 

At a recent meeting, White House counsel Don McGahn ‘deplored the very bureaucracy his boss presides over’, warning of a mushrooming creep of that bureaucracy. “The ever-growing unaccountable administrative state…is a direct threat to individual liberty.”

Ever heard of a President complaining he has too much power?

Keep this article handy, to use when Liberal buddies step up their ‘dictator’ rants.

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