It’s ‘outrageous’ that the FBI would let itself be used so transparently

DNC’s former chair Wasserman Schulz refused to let the FBI examine the DNC servers as she claimed they were hacked, then claims FBI didn’t try hard enough to view them.

But, of course, that wasn’t until Obama’s FBI director James Comey let the cat out of the bag, testifying under oath in a Senate hearing that the DNC refused to cooperate.

Then she was all aflutter: How is it that the FBI or DHS or any federal agency that was concerned about a foreign enemy state intruding on the networks of one of the two major political parties did not think it important enough to go higher than a tech support staffer?” she asked. “It is astounding and outrageous.

No, Debbie, what’s ASTOUNDING and OUTRAGEOUS is that a DNC chair who claims her Party’s servers were ‘hacked’ would wait over a month before telling DNC officers…

…it’s ‘astounding and outrageous’, as DNC chair, you claimed servers were ‘hacked’ by a ‘foreign enemy state’ – yet, somehow, couldn’t make an honest, concerted effort to demand the FBI or the Dept of Homeland Security look at the servers…

…instead insisting a Democrat-paid 3rd party be trusted with the ‘analysis’.

And, it’s ‘astounding and outrageous’ that the FBI would let itself be used this way.

It’s ‘astounding and outrageous’ that a special counsel would be set up to investigate a Democrat claim of Russia collusion based on a Democrat-paid sleaze-document and Democrat-paid ‘analysis’ of a ‘hack’ that wasn’t worthy of being discussed with the rest of the DNC officer group for over a month AFTER the so-called ‘hack’ occurred.


…that Democrats get away with something so TRANSPARENTLY OBVIOUS.

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