2nd amendment gun-rights are an affirmation, not an authorization

Left-wing diatribes against 2nd amendment right to bear arms are ignoring or forgetting a very crucial, innate element of our human condition – the SURVIVAL instinct.

Government doesn’t ‘give’ us the right to survive, any more than it ‘gives’ us a right to bear arms – it affirms and ensures those rights as intrinsic to the nature of our being.

America is founded on the premise that we citizens ‘give’ government the right to exist, and that concept is unique in the world – or, at least it has been until now. Therein lies our belief in American exceptionalism – foundational not because of some radical type of patriotic fervor, but from the fact as citizens we allow our government to function.

The Democrat-Left want a different America, where government allows us to exist; if for no other reason than that, main-street Americans must fight their ‘transformation’ effort.

Basic truth: a government that can give anything, can take away everything. In that reasoning, what American allows their survival to be at the whim of such a construct?

Simple logic tells us that man can survive without government, but government can’t survive without man. Thus, the essential factor in this formula is ‘man’, not government.

Following to a logical conclusion, then, survival being the essential factor for ‘man’ is key. This is why the 2nd amendment is an affirmation…not an authorization.

Illustrations of Democrat-Left failed logic abound – using Chicago, as a tragic example. Toughest gun-control in the Nation, with a resulting disgraceful violent gun-crime rate that annually reaps a devastating whirlwind of 600-700 deaths.

Survival is a God-given or (if atheist) Natural right…not a Democrat-Left given right…

…unless, of course, you don’t mind your city becoming Chicago-like.

NRO’s Kevin Williamson gets close in discussing an essential nature of the right to bear arms, with an interesting read, but fails to understand why the Founding Fathers placed the right to bear arms on …equal footing with freedom of speech and freedom from arbitrary government violence…” He sees it as a complicated question; we beg to differ.

The answer is simple, Mr. Williamson – ‘survival’.

For the Democrat-Left, maybe it would have been better if the Founding Fathers added that little factor to the Constitution, because they seem to have overlooked that concept.

But we can make an argument that it is included, if time is taken to read its Preamble:

“…in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity…” Surely not even a hard-core Left winger believes such actions can be accomplished merely through wishful thinking?

And, judging by the Black-Lives-Matter/Antifa violence, they must understand that when local law enforcement can’t (won’t?) protect us, our last line of defense is Colonel Colt.

Our survival instinct is a very powerful thing, and if we do, in fact, have an ‘unalienable Right to Life…then we have the right to protect it when governments fail to do so.

And we’re confident that if you threaten a Left-winger’s life, they’ll exercise that right too.

Unless, of course, they see violent Chicago as their idea of ‘domestic tranquility’.

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