America’s intel-agencies pay the price for Obama’s illegal actions

8-yr deep-state activities of embed-Democrats have resulted in weaponized intelligence agencies that are now suffering from severe distrust by the American community, and with good reason. This Democrat-spawned legacy will not easily be remedied.

When you no longer trust a national security apparatus designed to protect your nation, because their once inwardly-benign tactics have been turned against American citizens, it’s past time for the house-cleaning that President Trump now wants to perform.

To start, it seems logical that the only way to do it is to terminate EVERY hire made within the intelligence agency upper levels over the last eight years. What other choice is there? Based on what we know, and learned recently, who can be trusted?

It’s a matter of public record Obama’s DNI Clapper lied on several occasions, as have Comey and John Brennan…it seems no member of the director’s guild can be trusted.

The CIA, FBI, and NSA have been revealed as acting against American citizens in a most despicable manner, all in the name of partisan politics. There are many inside who are loyal, trustworthy Americans but top level management is irredeemably corrupted.

Sucks to be a Democrat right now, but hey, they aren’t in charge of these agencies now, the man that is must make a stand, and do what’s right to clean house…quickly.

Bring on the pink slips.

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