FakeNews ‘reports’ what was said…then the Left rages as if it really was said

All this fabricated fury over what FakeNews ‘reported’ was said by the President begs the question – does anyone realize what was reported was not factually what was said?

Bending words to conjure hateful connotation is what FakeNews does.

It’s disingenuous, deceit, or stupidity that accepts such connotation as factual.

Here’s a link to the President’s initial Charlottesville remarks, and followup remarks.

(For those interested in HONEST reporting)

Had the President inferred victims of Charlottesville contributed to the tragedy, like Obama did when police were assassinated, if possible the ‘outrage’ would be worse.

Funny thing, the antifa-BlackLivesMatter crowd did bring it on, illegally…because unlike the white supremacist groups, antifa-BLM DID NOT HAVE A PERMIT TO BE THERE.

In a state where the police will shut down a child’s lemonade stand, police did nothing to disperse an illegal group of demonstrators, and actually drove the white supremacist groups into that illegally assembled crowd of armed-and-ready rabble-rousers.

But hey, we’re used to the FakeNews double standard by now.

The police know it, the town officials know it, the Governor knows it, and the Democrats in Congress know it…but then, lying about it to attack the President is what they do.

Why spineless Republicans don’t challenge them for it remains a mystery.

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