Hey, Haters – Transform America to what…Angola?

Those who claim that they want to transform America into what it could’ve been if slavery hadn’t existed need to answer a very basic, honest, direct question…

…would they ‘transform’ America into what Africa is today?

Sure, slavery was an evil institution, but we fought our way out of that evil.

America is an unmatched superpower, thanks to combined efforts of its citizens. No other nation comes close to us in terms of industrial, or military accomplishments.

If the outcry is ‘we could’ve been better than the best we are’…well, okay, but is that type of complaint worth the storm and fury of what the Left forces us to endure?

(And, hey, lucky for them, that claim can’t be proven or disproved.)

Historically, the following is true…and can be empirically proven:

Africa had thousands of years before America to prove her potential; at the risk of being branded ‘racist’…sorry, we’re NOT impressed with how those millennium were used.

For all its faults, America is the greatest Nation this world has ever known. And, it’s a combined achievement, which should be celebrated by ALL…not bemoaned by a few.

But, Haters will hate, and there seems to be no way to prevent that.

We will, however, endure.

Ironic though, isn’t it…the American descendants of slaves (had their ancestors not been ripped from their homes) could still themselves be slaves…in today’s Africa?


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