Solving the Guantanomo hunger games in Pro-Choice fashion…

The detention facility at Guantanamo holds the most dangerous of terror detainees.

Aided by their lawyers, about 100 of them have gone on a hunger strike. It seems their objective is for the U.S. to close the Guantanamo facility, which is…problematic.

BlueCollar suggests a simple solution, that should warm the heart of any Democrat.

Close the terror detainee’s Quran (Islamic holy book), place in a covered box, alongside their prayer rug, and all other religious items that may be used on a daily basis.

Place the terror detainee’s food tray on the lid of the box, thus keeping it closed.

Allow only the terror detainee, or their lawyer, access to remove the food tray, allowing them to open the box in order to get to their holy book, prayer rug, etc.

The Left praises Pro-Choice – this solution provides a multiple-choice opportunity.

They can choose to lift off the food tray, choose to eat or not eat the food that’s on the tray, choose to access their religious items…and choose a starvation death if they want.

So now, let the Left, the lawyers (but I repeat myself), and their terrorist friends…

CHOOSE…to their heart’s content.

And, if they choose a starvation death, just look at it as a very, very late-term abortion.

The Left should have no problem with that concept…

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