When bad law is hidden by media lies, a different approach is required

As timid Senate Republicans hide under the rug, Obamacare continues to implode.

Premiums are skyrocketing, insurers are vanishing from exchanges, and out-of-pocket costs (deductibles, co-pays, etc) are ravaging the groups O’care was supposed to help.

Despite the obvious, Republicans run scared, intimidated by lying Democrats and their sham-stream media masters who flood the airwaves with scaremongering and deceit.

If there’s any truth at all, it’s that the Obamacare lies and deceit will continue.

But, for the politicians scampering from media hammering, the first truth and priority is that they…first and foremost…fix their sights every day on one task – getting re-elected.

So, what to do?

Republicans are too afraid of optics to outright repeal a bad Obamacare law. In that regard, it’s time to accept reality, explain that Democrats impede a 60-vote necessity…

…and fall back on President Trump’s “let-it-die” concept.

The President, with his cabinet secretaries, can de-fang the mandates, stop funneling billions to the insurance companies, and modify the idiotic essential health benefits.

The Republican Congress can open up free-market concepts such as health savings accounts, catastrophic coverage and nation-wide competition to buy health plans.

Face facts – Democrats and their media bosses will never stop lying.

Neuter the restrictive aspects of Obamacare, and let it die.

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