Will their non-stop, relentless attacking be the Democrats’ undoing, as a Party?

Up until Jan, 2017, Democrats have been successful in their concerted, lock-step, non-stop attacks against political opponents..but then, along came Donald Trump.

As Rush Limbaugh has pointed out with dead-center accuracy, media masters and their Democrat puppets have failed to destroy Trump because they didn’t create him.

Everything they’ve tried has not only failed…but backfired.

Collusion and obstruction has revealed Democrat misdeeds. Leaks exposed the depth to which the media and Democrats will plunge, regardless of harm to national security.

And stories are plentiful of Left wing attempts to rig the November voting.

Will the media/Democrat marriage stay true to form in their strategy of unrelenting attacks against President Trump, even at the expense of their possible undoing as a Party?

Or, will some faint sense of political survival create the impetus of…a Democrat divorce?

Divorce, from the Left-wing media construct so intent on destroying THIS president, this Republican Party, they’re willing to to bring down their Democrat puppets in the process.

Who would’ve thunk it?

When it comes to curing the ills brought on by the Left, presenting Donald Trump…


Interesting…as their beloved ‘rules for radicals’ fail, what will Democrats do?

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