Why is ANY credibility given to CBO projections?

Considering those wildly erroneous projections the Congressional Budget Office gave during the Obamacare runup, why is the CBO given any credibility faulting the GOP plan?

Every Liberal sham-stream media source is screaming how the CBO projects that 23 million will lose their insurance, but they don’t tell you how that number was reached.

First, it’s based on (dare we repeat ourselves) wildly erroneous Obamacare enrollment projections before the Republican law takes over next year, and even more telling…

…based on a voluntary choice to not purchase health insurance if not forced to. (Since when is a choice to not buy health insurance defined as ‘losing’ their insurance?)

As this NRO article reminds us, in 2010 the CBO projected 24 million signups by 2017.

As of this date, it’s more like 11 million…their projection was off by 13 million!

Yeah, yeah, let’s keep using CBO projections…that’s the ticket.

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