Why act like a replacement healthcare bill can’t be continually improved?

Many of the op-eds and so-called ‘news’ stories seem based on the same lie…

…that is, any GOP replacement bill for the Obamacare monstrosity will stick in the craw of Americans without any possibility of improvements as time passes.

We firmly believe our free-market system would fill the void of the death spiral that is Obamacare. But if a replacement bill is unavoidable, ti’s also certainly improvable.

First and foremost, President Trump is a businessman, and as a businessman he is an expert on the concept of assessing a plan’s progress, and improving it on the fly.

Read the stories you choose, but watch out for any premise showing a plan as final. In large part, this is a tactic to make any alternative to Obamacare look unfavorable.

Don’t fall for it.

It’s not in the best interest of the Republicans to pass a monolithic healthcare law that, upon implementation, may adversely affect millions, and not fix it as needed.

That’s the Democrat modus operandi

…most notably demonstrated…by Obamacare.

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