Simple math tells you healthcare is doable

Get a grip, folks, this repeal-&-replace mania is getting out of hand.

If every man, woman, and child in America needed aid it might strain the system, but the facts prove mathematically those with pre-existing conditions can be helped.

Couple that with waste in every annual budget, foreign aid, and useless scientific grants we dole out year after year…yeah, we have ways to pay for what’s needed.

Get the government out of the student-loan business, and stop funding studies on the mating habits of blind lizards – these are areas a private sector should handle.

(Besides, we’re pretty sure blind lizards do it the same way the sighted lizards do.)

If sanctuary cities spent more money on health care for their destitute citizens, and less for the illegal aliens in their midst, it would take a great burden off as well.

Why aren’t Liberals screaming for THAT solution?

Back to the ‘every-American’ scenario…if 300 million Americans all needed a $1000 annual stipend for their health insurance, that would be $300 billion, which is 1/10th of our annual budget (matches the 10% that Pres Trump wants to cut in spending).

Now, before anyone gets their panties in a bunch, understand that

  • millions of vets get healthcare through the VA…they don’t need $1000;
  • millions of retired Americans get pension healthcare…they don’t need $1000;
  • millions of Americans get on-the-job healthcare…they don’t need $1000;
  • millions of Americans get state medicaid…they don’t need $1000

…just to name a few.

Besides, between waste, idiocy, fraud, incompetence and useless programs (UN funding?) there’s more than enough ways to find (and fund) what needs doing…

…if those ‘smart-guys’ that make up Congress get their heads out of their butts.

And the CBO claims?

Didn’t that same group say healthcare cost under O’care would go down?

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