What’s ‘illegitimate’ is this phony outrage over the election

Whether it’s nonsensical hysteria of ‘hacking’ an election, or fake outrage over an honest reaction to race-hustler comments, Democrats own the ‘illegitimate’ title.

Exposed DOJ stonewalling reveals Obama hid Hillary from an investigation by the FBI, which would have laid bare her corrupt, lawless behavior in office.

Exposed emails reveal Democrat leadership screwed Bernie Sanders in the primary.

They’ve never explained or refuted that fact, which means Hillary’s candidacy was illegitimate FROM THE START; she should never have won the Democrat primary.

Congressman John Lewis opened the door to reaction by falsely claiming Trump’s election was illegitimate, and – race-hustler that he is – whines when slapped down.

When insulted, the Pres-elect rightly pointed out an elected congressman should be willing to work with a new President to fix all the problems inner-cities are facing.

How is that worthy of such phony outrage?

Lewis and his colleagues illegitimately cling to a mantle of ‘civil rights’ righteousness by playing the race card, knowing the Sham-stream media will back their play.

Marching with Dr. King 50 years ago does not give someone license to lie now…

…falsely labeling an American election as illegitimate leaves him open to criticism.

Their partisan politics knows no boundary of civility or honesty.

He and his 60+ colleagues, by their attempt to undermine the legitimate American election process are a disgrace to their office, and should be rebuked by Congress.

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