(Updated) Missing the most damning legacy of ’44’…

Breitbart: “Legacy: 10 Ways Barack Obama Broke The American System”

The list: 1-Stimulus, 2-Fast-&-Furious, 3-Betraying allies, 4-Obamacare, 5-Debt ceiling, 6-Benghazi, 7-IRS scandal, 8-AP scandal, 9-Iran deal, 10-Immigration

But there’s an even worse act Obama committed during his 8 years…

We would argue the most damning legacy Obama left the American people will be his casual flaunting of the Rule of Law…the bedrock of our form of government.

Brought into sharp relief by his Dept of ‘Justice’ stonewalling investigations of Hillary Clinton (and his) actions over this last year, such elitism left the electorate angry.

Witness the November election results.

We don’t know why Breitbart’s list inexplicably overlooked that lawlessness…

…but are very grateful the American electorate didn’t.

(UPDATE) Within that same context, encouraging the ill-founded Black-Lives-Matter crowd to extremes, Obama has contributed to increased violence in major cities.

But, what would you expect for someone with just a community agitator resume?

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